Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Currently Coveting...

Hey frugies,

One fall trend that directly speaks to me is the embellishment of sweaters, jackets, and shoes using studs and spikes. I've never been a girly-girl, so studs and spikes are right up my alley. Albeit a trend for some, this edgy look is sure to stick with me.

When my eyes met a pair of studded boots retailing at over $200, I became captivated... with the idea of trying to find a frugal comparable. Time for Splurge versus Steal!

On the left from Town Shoes is "Taunt" by ZiGi that I originally saw in-store for $225. On the right from Piperlime is "Motor" by Wanted for around $69. The material construction of each may be vastly different, as reflected in the price tag, but if you're just toying with the idea of dressing on-trend for the season, you can have your cake and eat it too!

Are you liking or hating the studs and spikes look? Leave me a comment and let me know what other studded must-have items you own!

Thanks for stopping by,

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