Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hand Cream To Change the World

Everyone could use hand cream. This was evidenced to me when a male coworker who works across the building from me approached me for hand cream. Okay, so maybe the drying soap from the soap dispensers in the washrooms are to blame. The point is, every now and again, from time-to-time, we all use hand cream.

This weekend, I serendipitously came across the hand cream to end child prostitution at The Body Shop. One hundred percent (100%) of the proceeds from their New Soft Hands Kind Heart Hand Cream go to benefit ECPAT in Canada, Beyond Borders and the Somaly Mam Foundation - a network of organizations world wide tirelessly working toward ending child prostitution, pornography, and trafficking for sexual purposes.

Since I had decided to buy hand cream to leave at work anyway, I feel that my $10 will be better served by purchasing this product over others. This cause is also one that is very close to my heart. If you had just $10 to spare, wouldn't you want to stop child exploitation?

Traffic-stopping facts about human trafficking:
  • Human trafficking is the third largest(1) and fastest growing criminal industry in the world(2)
  • 1.8 million children are exploited in the global commercial sex trade though this figure is thought to be much higher due to the underground dealings of the traffickers(3)
  • Reports show that sexual exploitation is the most likely purpose of trafficking(4)
  • Trafficking exists in countries all over the world. It doesn't only exist in the poorest countries(5)

(1) UNFPA 2006
(2) UN.GIFT 2008
(3) ILO 2002
(4) UNICEF UK 2003
(5) UNICEF UK 2003